Sunday, September 14, 2014

yyfiji yblnh bycaai

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Panda then took out a box, opened it, it is a film called "Dan science classic" Yellow Book, but Qin Chen Shen count to ask and learn things on Dan, specially given the next book to pay for the panda, etc. Shennong Shennong this book when asked to. But this book Qin Chen crafted, although the alchemy of a way, I can be described as unique in the world, even the Qin Chen also slightly lost the edge. But Qin Chen afraid, Qin Chen, after all, was this was a native of the earth, how many also know that some later pharmaceutical principles, and I was a lead smelting refining mercury tactics or not the human race to spread good, toms on sale a skinny old man is a saint eat does not matter, does not mean that those mortals below ate okay, all right if what idiot wants immortality, refining some lead and mercury to eat, with no two court death.

The Shennong Shennong tripod in the hands shine, life-saving countless, has since been regarded Following the Emperor Fuxi Fuxi piano Terran merit another treasure, the Emperor Shen Nong unique symbol. But Qin Chen Dan donated books regarding the I is evil. On alchemy, prehistoric devaluation Lao, originally I also calculated what Dan Shen will learn the difficult, but toms sale pretending to be aloof, do not take the initiative, that by virtue of their primitive reputation first alchemy teacher, Shen Nong sooner or later will come to toms sale strike. And just to take the opportunity to show off toms sale, a good big Shien Ze, people able to teach in the name of Lord Lao Zi popular.

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