Tuesday, October 7, 2014

uqadqj mjare lscusn

According to Zhao Xue true that the first door transportation for cargo space, has been approved by the official z country, prepare a number of iron and steel centers in the country to build, it is said, Carmel cooperation in the areas of labor abroad, also entered a substantive stage, with the emergence of these deeper cooperation between z card will go on honeymoon diplomacy, at this time, z country even considering to develop anti- magic technology, such as Japan and will not engage in such a big way. So, z States Anti-Magic program, can be seen as part of foreign policy, are soft defense, one can imagine that if the country declared war Carmel true and z, and even into the friction stage, z country just cut off the supply of steel, toms outlet the most important domestic space station construction would be delayed, tens of millions of dollars of new immigrants will only be crowded in Chad those just forming in the city, of no fixed abode, but also to be ready to face the threat of war, one can imagine, really occurred in that case, Carmel prestige conscious network users in those immigrants hearts will be what kind of impact, the reason why immigrants entering Carmel, most people had to live very good, better, as a lack of historical emerging countries, such prestige and trust that toms sale the greatest wealth, is Carmel now exist, and to attract more people to join the fundamental, what territory, economy, industry, population, etc. these soft power than conventional hard power to matter more.

American anti- magic toms on sale consistent strategy and military deployment, the momentum is adequate, as the aerospace industry is now on Earth 's most developed countries, the United States and Carmel after the formation of a cooperative on Space Station, immediately had an increasingly commercial aerospace industry invested a lot of money, if, z States and Carmel cooperation, are in the hands of the workers in those factories, among steelmaking furnace steel, then the United States and Carmel cooperation, mostly in American scientists, and aerospace engineers design on.

Before freezing relations with Carmel in the most time, the then American president persuaded Congress to set up anti- magic amount more than ten billion special budget dedicated to the development and implementation of various anti- magical means, although the specific research program is not particularly clear, but through some of the details, or to see a lot of clues. Six months ago, z national satellite once observed, the United States seems to be emerging on toms sale satellite, loaded with high-powered laser hair instrument, when the Americans claimed that these instruments are used for laser hair communications positioning, and to prevent space junk satellite damage, so use this method to clean up.

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