Friday, April 11, 2014 air max gbqj

Child old man taught Mike Mobai chess,louis vuitton wallet, found Lee Mobai quite a chess talent, so the chess became a Lee Mobai boyhood major entertainment, old man also flattered ravaged Mike Mobai, but then to Lee Mobai eleven years old, in the absence of deliberate drainage, the old man never even won a round, let the old man 's most depressing is often lost by half. Beginning not complain, lose more than half mesh naturally tease themselves out of their own grandchildren, but there is no way, Who better to own Sun Yi it !

Lee Mobai high school when the teacher tried to egg white ink Lee to participate in professional chess given air max segment, the teacher can not help that encourage the eyes, and finally to be down, then, Li became the career section of the white ink players. Later became a professional player, Lee ink haired existing participate more and more competition, participated in several Pidianpidian after the game, also achieved good results, but Lee Mobai but gradually tired of those boring and utilitarian game, then refused to participate in any game, not rare that anything in the world championship, with louis vuitton handbags 's words, it was all slag, chess has become a tool cheap louis vuitton no artistry at all, talk He Yizhi repair heart.

If cheap louis vuitton twenty years younger elderly people can certainly win you, ha ha ! Father totally forgot himself a decade ago can not win their own grandchildren. Go community has always had a saying, that is, before the age of twenty, can not become a national champion, life can not become a national champion. Although these words are not absolute, but elders who summed up the experience of thousands of years by the truth, naturally have their reasons. Hey, twenty years younger, if you are old, you have not learned grandson cheap louis vuitton Go under it ! Lee Mobai mercilessly hit this old man 's pride, but your old chess, but it is also a century ago, you are not easy to win it !


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