Thursday, March 6, 2014 canada goose arctic ypai

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At this time, hundreds of Iraqi green and gold ant bite, are all over the place in her body, biting her crazy. Damn, ah, toms outlet these tiny, ugly bugs, which will not be considered, I Daisi Li had already fallen to the point and let toms sale bullying, right? Angry Daisi Li, shrill roar up. But in this tense, critical moment. Daisi Li may not have extra time to those who ignores her body up and down throughout the gold ant bite. Because, Shi Jun rid Flanagan Eater thrown rods, already flew ten meters in front of her place.

Came in spite of severe pain throughout the body. Daisi Li clenched Yinya, doing all the agitation from the body of the fire department grudge, it poured out in vitro, into flame. A burning flame color, an instant spray out from the pores of the whole body. Will be surrounded by the toms sale body goes on the web, instantly gave ashes. And in this piece of bloody flame emerged when the Iraqi Green has led the ants bite their gold and timely withdrawal from toms sale body down, thus avoiding the fate of being burned to death or burned.


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