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Walking on the beach, the night falls flow also become scarce, but some tourists still wandering on the beach, was extremely noisy. Even some of the couple on the beach picnic, extremely comfortable. Here is very beautiful, the sea breeze is not large, it is soft. Nie Yan sat cross-legged, looking lively crowd there Yingying light, involuntary playing the guitar burberry on sale. In front of a near, a silhouette curl comes under light faintly see each other's faces. Not for commercial activities appeared to sing their song burberry usa singer generally will not have much problem.

Now it is made ​​available Nie extremely headache, I do not know what song to sing in the election. Now in 2012, the rise of the singer's myriad network, the network countless red song, as long as the Internet usually hum so few words. The election in the end what is good? A few decades ago still relatively okay ? Said to himself, mouth humming classic oldies, head wagging, like a. Sir, in the face of such Yaotouhuangnao burberry store person, not a polite behavior. Behind came the cold voice, body Nie made ​​stagnation, then remember yourself in the elevator, behind a career and a woman dressed yet.

Think of it,burberry usa, some could not help blushing. Looking back, the front of this professional dress girl about twenty five or six, oval christian louboutin men face, hair set off Ears delicate white skin. Big eyes staring himself, his face puzzled. Nie Yan did not think his luck turned out to be so good, with the elevator is actually such a great beauty. Sorry, just think of happy things, carried away. Then, quickly come back to, I think he girl 's face behind involuntary mind, extremely clear.


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