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Just Dupin lifted his foot ready to pick the last one, when suddenly stopped. coach handbags Now the location of the center is located just across the warehouse, but also the entire warehouse among the largest jade original Rock Hill, there are two aspects of the Americas appraisers with former apprentice at the top of this jade Ishiyama 's best minds rummaging bruna uggs coach usa raw jade stone. Dupin discovered what seemed like agility even fully expanded, Liu Kun and Stuart snow I saw this fat man seemed to become a ghost general, dragging a string of jade blur rushed to the top of the original Rock Hill.

Their ancestral home in England, his ancestors but senior staff of the Royal Jewelry aide group, regarded as the ancestral craft. coach bags Childhood exposure Jade, 53 years, we can say as long as the coach usa pick jade stone, which has over ninety percent of the high -quality jade, is nothing less than a rich experience. But at the moment, Kalieteluo being in a daze, and trance reason is that coach usa the hands of a head -sized raw jade stone Let coach usa do not understand. Identification of jade stone them if they contain a lot of original high -quality jade, original stone surface through multiple steps natural texture, feel, weight, etc., for a country with fifty-three years experience in senior appraisers identified, the better the original stone is a good original stone, bad is bad, and coach usa in the hands of this, but she was kind of ambiguous feeling coach usa let coach usa dare judgment.

coach usa This is the first pick to. Kalieteluo anger against Dupin roared. In the United States, coach usa jade appraisal profession is the leader, and in the choice of raw jade stone appraisers when there is a rule, and that is a appraisers just pick up a piece of jade stone, even if it took a fancy coach usa appraisers also must wait, if put down, other appraisers can choose, if you do not put down, so others will not have any chance. This statement is obviously Dupin move undermines the rule of appraisers, so Kalieteluo will be so angry.


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